Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog! Today I want to talk about a very important topic: the impacts of extreme bushfires on river ecosystems. As we all remember, Australia experienced some of the worst bushfires in history in 2019-20, affecting millions of hectares of land, thousands of homes, and billions of animals. But did you know these fires also seriously affect our waterways and aquatic life? In this post, I will explain some of the main effects of bushfires on rivers and lakes and what we can do to help them recover.

One of the most immediate impacts of bushfires on water quality is the increase of nutrients in the water, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. These nutrients come from the ash, burnt material, soil and dead animals that are washed into the waterways by rain after the fire. While some nutrients are essential for aquatic plants and animals, too much of them can cause problems such as algal blooms, oxygen depletion, fish kills and eutrophication (the excessive growth of plants that reduces the water quality and biodiversity).
Another impact of bushfires on water quality is the increase of sediment and turbidity (the cloudiness of water caused by suspended particles). Sediment can come from the erosion of bare soil that has lost its vegetation cover due to fire. Turbidity can come from the ash and debris that are carried by runoff into the waterways. High sediment and turbidity levels can reduce the amount of light that reaches aquatic plants, affecting their photosynthesis and growth. They can also clog the gills of fish and other animals, making it harder for them to breathe and feed.
A third impact of bushfires on water quality is the change in pH (the measure of acidity or alkalinity) and temperature. pH can change due to the chemicals that are released by burnt material into the water. Temperature can change due to the loss of shade from riparian vegetation (the plants that grow along the banks of rivers and streams) that has been burnt by fire. Changes in pH and temperature can affect the chemical balance and biological processes of aquatic ecosystems, making them less suitable for some species.
As you can see, bushfires can have devastating effects on river ecosystems, affecting their water quality, biodiversity and functioning. But there is hope! We can take many actions to help these ecosystems recover and become more resilient to future fires. Some examples are:
Restoring riparian vegetation by planting native trees and shrubs that can provide shade, habitat and erosion control.
Reducing nutrient inputs by using fewer fertilizers and pesticides on farms and gardens and managing animal waste properly.
Monitoring water quality by regularly testing parameters such as nutrients, sediment, pH and temperature and reporting any issues or anomalies.
Supporting research and conservation projects that aim to understand and protect river ecosystems and their species.
Raising awareness and educating others about the importance and value of river ecosystems and their services.
I hope you learned something new from this post, and I hope you are inspired to take action for our precious waterways. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more posts on rivers and river health!